Sunday, 6 March 2016

Video: North-bound Pacific National Superfreighter

Hi all,

I've just started up a YouTube account so I can upload the full videos I've taken. There is a few to go up, but firstly I'll share the one of the Pacific National Superfreighter led by the two NR class and G class through Meadowbank. 

The bells on NR12 was a real treat. I've known that they have bells installed but only used during shunting etc.

Anyway check out the video:


Saturday, 5 March 2016

North-bound Superfreighter 24 February 2016

I was lucky enough to be getting off at Meadowbank just as a North-bound Pacific National super-freighter was about the pass through. 

The line-up was interesting, with consecutively numbered NR12 and NR13 leading G537 still in Freight Australia colours. 

The consist was the typical collection of containers and other items loaded onto flat wagons.

NR12 powering into Platform 2.

NR13 Trailing

Not a great shot, but G537 behind the NRs.

TS Lines container on a RQSY-type wagon.

RQJW-type Wagon.

RQSY-type wagon with Cronos container.

A load of reinforcement mesh on a flat-pack.

Toll tautliner container

Breeze Logistics reefer container

Toll auto-racks on a five-pack RRAY wagon

Auto-racks and reefers.

Another RQSY wagon.

More of the five-packs. Their lower height allows them to carry the larger 9'6" containers.

Two Rand reefers bring up the rear.

...On an RRYY wagon.

Not the best photos as I was using a simple 'point-and-shoot' work camera which is really not made for trainspotting. But was an entertaining few minutes nonetheless. 
